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Old 12-10-2012, 03:40 PM   #855
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Re: Junkyard Jimmy Super Low Buck Build Thread

Thanks Jp. Putting the liner on with a roller actually makes thinner coats I think. Its almost like painting with household paint. I'm using up some of my vacation today. In and out of the garage. So far I got the heater box in, heater hoses (need to paint the vents yet), gas pedal, radio (not wired yet), heater control (need to find and hook up cables), gauges (need vac line and oil line through firewall), transfer case shift boot (need to find the screws) and glove box in.

Currently working on painting seat brackets, kick panel vents, console, etc. Will need to work on wiring and the other things in the parenthesis above, but its actually going together.

Check out my old radio. I bought this for my C-10 in the summer of 1984 I think. I used it until I tore my truck apart for the paint restoration. The aluminum mounting plate is the same one I made in shop class all those years ago. It just covers the holes and strengthens the mounting a bit.
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