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Old 12-10-2012, 07:53 PM   #7
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Re: Who has installed the Vintage Air System?

I was not happy at all with the vintage air system I put in my truck. I bought the system about 8 months ago and noticed a condenser bracket was missing, so I called the 800 number and was transferred to some guy that handles shipping claims. Well he never called back then I called again a week later and he never called again WTF. I have since found a bracket and installed the whole kit and to this day they have not called me back. I put one of their kits in my Challenger about 7 years ago and all the lines where custom cut and molded to fit but this new "sure fit" truck kit just comes with long hoses and ends that you have to take to a hose shop and have crimped. It is a nice clean looking kit when its done but for the price they charge, and the sh&^ty customer service I received I will definitely look elsewhere on my next project.

Ill take some pics for ya so you can see the install though
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