Hello everyone

i finally got around to subscribing to this awesome site, i have been lurking on here for about a year now and i have to say that you guys rock

this place is addictive, it seems like everyday i find something to help with my project, the members here have some flat out amazing talent and i have been inspired by many of you and the reconstructive surgery you have perfomed on your rides, some way worse than what i started with. i will try and post some pics of my 72 Cheyenne short fleet K10 truck.
i bought it in Sept of 2011 off of craiglist on labor day weekend and drug it home and had no idea what i had gotten myself into, it came from the west side of the state and had not run in over 4 years, the cab, doors fenders and hood were toast and the bed had significant rust in the floor tailgate and inside panels, but all i could see was a complete Cheyenne short box 4x4 that needed to be rescued