Thread: 366?
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Old 12-11-2012, 09:41 AM   #3
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Re: 366?

It seems everywhere you look people often diss these tall decks.
I've had a couple (got for free)and I allways dismantled them for the steel crank and other bb tidbits.
allways made $ out of them

I allways wandered why most people that build a truck or rigg for towing simplely just wont even think about one of these engines.
often they have less mileage than a standard deck bbc and can be had for alot less $.
If you drop on in with all the oe stuff (of course cleaning them up helps)on it and just runn it you'll be into for hundreds less than any other bb.
sure they are not for hi per applications but for a regular,puller,dumper or hauler why not?
81 camaro 355 4/spd 342 posi my first love.
67 swb step 454/4spd ott 373 posi 4/7 drop.
2000 s10 zr2 little blue truck that never gets stuck.
'74 heald super bronc vt8. tecumseh powered moon rover.
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