Originally Posted by Portmod7
Ha ha, cat's out of the bag now! I almost told you about it when you were asking for pictures yesterday. Better get you a build thread started too! And thanks for the kind words. She's no show truck by any means, but it should be fun to drive. And I like your signature too....
I can't wait to get her out in the sunlight for some better pictures... The "lighting" in my shop is TERRIBLE, RWB-713 can confirm this.
Oh, I actually do have a build thread started
Here and oddly enough, I was giving you a hard time about not having a build thread at the time, two years later.... here we are.
I didn't even steal the quote in my sig. that one's all me

, and 100% accurate.
And finally, yeah, your lighting is terrible, I imagine black holes to be better lit.