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Old 12-11-2012, 07:33 PM   #6
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Re: '05 4.3 misfire, stumble

Just another area to look at.. I had an '02 s-10 with a 4.3L that had a similiar, although not the same problem. It would juts have a hard time idling and stumble at low RPM, of course, opening the throttle slightly would comepletely cure the problem. Only threw a random misfire code once in a great while. Changed the Idle Air Control motor about 6 months ago, haven't had a problem since.

Also, the cold start issue can be cause by a poor seal between the cap & distributor, alowing moisture to build up inside the cap, I went through that problem too. Make sure there is a good seal there, and spraying an ever-so-small amount of wd-40 inside the cap & WIPING IT OFF (that's important, WD-40 is flammable, and there are sparks inside the cap), before re-assmebly can help too. That trick was curtious of my local Napa store.

Hope you get it all fixed up!
" I strive for a level of perfection that I do not possess the skillset to achieve. "
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