Throttle plates stuck
I finally got a few min. of down time in the body shop this week and I pulled in my swb 70 chevy to tinker and play a bit. Well when I went to start it it was hard to start so I decided that it was a good time to replace the medium duty points type dist. that it has and the two bbl and put on the Performer intake and hei and Edelbrock 600 That I have siiting on anther 70 that is going a different way when its number comes to the top of the list. Well It has set out longer than I thought and the throttle blades were stuck closed on it. I took of the top and sprayed some PB Blaster into the bores To let it sit. Any one else got any ideas how to do it? I had a thought of taking off the choke assm and sitting it ina ice cream bucket and filling the bucket with Jet fuel [kerosene][that is what I use in my parts washer]Please help!! any thoughts any body? any ideas?