Re: Throttle plates stuck
My edlebrock did the same thing after sitting for two years. I took the air horn off the carb(while it was still on the carb). Took all the removable metal parts (Metering rods, needle valves and seats, floats, jets, springs, etc...) out and soaked them in carb cleaner...
Sprayed the butterflies with seafoam carb cleaner spray from the local parts store. Let it soak for about 2 hours(while the rest of my parts were soaking and I was working on other things)... Butterflies freed right up and after cleaning all of the parts in carb cleaner I reassembled, filled the bowls on the carb with fresh fuel (after carefully soaking up all of the terpentine out of the carb with blue shop towels), turned the key over and she ran on her own for the first time in just over two years... Cost me nothing but time for now as I already had the carb cleaner and sea foam spray in the shop. (I ordered the rebuild kit from the local parts store and they still have yet to bring in the right one!!! Until I receive it she is running on her own just not 100% great yet)