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Old 12-12-2012, 04:21 PM   #5
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Re: Throttle plates stuck

I have the the top off and the boosters and the acc pump as well as the secondary air door. The carb body is about all that is left,with the choke. I was thinking of removing the choke and setting it down in my gallon buket of carb cleaner. I have no problem buying a kit for it and freshening it up but I must get past this stuck issue. The pass side primarys are rusted coroded something terribleand it is frozen solid. I tried to move the throttle with a pair of pliers after unhooking the secondaries and still no go. The butterflies are not bradded on the throttle shafts on the Edelbrock are they? I seem to remember loosening the throttle blades onone of my carbs and adjusting the plates for a better fit in the bore. Anyway I have tried a couple of times and was unsuccessful in loosening the plate screws. This is disheartingning.
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