Re: Checklist for frame off?
Take pics of every piece, part, and nut and bolt, before you remove them. You'd be surprised how even the simplest thing, gets forgotten as to where it was, and how it was attached. As every single part comes off, right down if it needs to be painted, (body color or black etc.) replated, or replaced with a new or used one. This way, once it is completely tore down, you have a list of what you need to buy new or used, and what needs to be painted. Also bag and label all hardware. I will put every nut bolt and clip, from the left fender in a ziploc bag marked LEFT FENDER, etc. The finer you break down areas, the better. Such as "heater-outer firewall side" and so on. The more organized, and detailed your tear down is, the easier the build and assembly process will be. Less grief = more fun!