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Old 12-13-2012, 02:48 AM   #15
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Re: whats a quick and easy way to lower my truck?

Wes at Classic Heartbeat told me that the shackels don't work well with the leafs because they hit the bottom of the bed and sills. He has a leaf flip kit for a reasonable price, but my truck has 9 leaf springs! I assume when my dad had the rear end changed (after I blew the rear end burning rubber in high school) they put in a 3/4 ton rear end, including the leaf springs. That also explains the very low gearing on the truck (when I had 31" tires, I was still running 3 mph fast on my speedo).

SpecialK - I thought about the 1973 rear axle, but that would give me a wider rear end and 5 lug wheels (I've got 6 lug and I'm keeping that for now). Plus, I think I'd still have the problem with the shackels hitting the bed floor, if Wes is correct.

If I have only 5 leaf springs, that should only lower my truck about 4-5" on an axle flip - can I just remove 4 of the springs from the spring pack - or is this asking for trouble? The truck won't be used for towing or much hauling, other than a couple dirt bikes on occasion (under 1000 lbs in the bed).
1967 GMC 1500 SWB. Driving this truck since I was 14.
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