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Old 12-14-2012, 08:50 AM   #13
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Re: Guys running Boss 338's please read

I ran them on the 71 I built 2 years ago. I ran the bigger 1.25 rotor. I had to grind on the rotor hub and flattened the cap. I also had to ground down the center cap. I ended up using a little clear silicon to make sure the cap didn't come off. they are a PITA to run but they sure look good and at the time they were fairly inexpensive.

I think I found a alliterative to the boss fitment issue. I bought a set of Ridler wheels. I bought them for my 86, I have not mounted them yet but according to my measurements they should mount up without and modifications. I have them in storage waiting on the next project, so this is the only photo I have of them. they are very similar to the 338. Im sure somebody on here has a pair mounted.

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