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Old 12-15-2012, 04:29 AM   #8
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Re: street scraper kit

Originally Posted by JCampbell View Post
I sometimes wonder out of all the people who vehemently and relentlesly bash Aim/Chassistech/Airbaggit do so because they've actually *had* a bad experience, or because their Brother's Friend's Second Cousin's Uncle heard from their favorite bro on the interwebz that they had junk parts.

I'm not saying they haven't had quality control issues and I'm not defending them, per se, but out of the four guys I *know* who have used their products, I haven't heard any complaints yet.

I have no opinion because I have no personal experience with them. If you're just regurgitating the same 'ol tripe because you want to look informed to a bunch of strangers on the internet, then you're a tool.

Disclaimer: not pointing a finger at any one specific person, so no need to get the panties in a preemptive knot, mkay. I'm just saying...
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Oh yeah I'm really a Toyota guy, but had some stuff sitting around.

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