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Old 10-26-2003, 04:12 PM   #21
"Trucks with Class"
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Join Date: Jul 2000
Location: OLYMPIA, WA, USA
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"Something doesn't seem right here"
I think I would agree...It seems all I am doing is answering your complaints. What difference does it make if you bought something for less than I priced it for? Don't you feel like you took advantage of the guy because he didn't know what it was worth?

For the last time--I hope! I have two trucks I am selling parts from. They are offered to people who can come here and pick up. So, they are mostly for people on the West Coast that can travel (Road Trip) a little. I DON'T ship that much! That is how I have to operate---"A one-man operation, that is a half-a-man short".

There are lots of guys on here that will gladly ship little stuff. They advertise all of the time. Please contact them for that service.
Phone: 360-956-7170
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