Thread: Block help...
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Old 12-17-2012, 09:33 PM   #3
Marv D
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Re: Block help...

The 'right' block to start with is called a Dart Little M if your building something that really needs a blower to realize the power potential. You can quite easily get 600HP out of a normally aspirated 383 and that is FAR beyond the 370HP 'rating' of any GM production sbc casting.

However I believe whet your looking at there is really a 10066036 casting that was born as a target master 350 "Heco in Mexico" adobe 2piece rear main, non roller block. Could be 2 or 4 bolt mains. and 'could' survive upwards of 500-600HP as long as you thouroughly check wall thickness and watch RPM's. The internals will be more of a weak link at 500HP then the block,, the block will be more if a weak link than the internals at 600HP (assuming you build the rotator to be tolerant of 600HP)

Either way, RPM kills more motors than brute power. Know what your doing before building a forced induction motor of the upper 600-700HP flavor.
Still playin with trucks, even at my age!

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.....It's kinda the same when your STUPID.

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