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Old 12-18-2012, 04:26 PM   #6
But Found Her 25yrs Later!
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Re: Granny Low - other options

Originally Posted by **grumpy** View Post
My solution was to swap a 72 C10 3.08 rearend in my old 64 which had a granny 4spd.

The difference it made was so dramatic.

I could treat the granny 4spd as a normal 4spd. And it would run 75 down highway all day and not scream.

I actually have 2 more 72 rearends with 3.08s, one is a posi.
just to have for future projects.
I buy every one I run across.

I picked up a 12-bolt out of a 69 blazer earlier this year.
3.07 gears.
I've done lots of research on this, and so many posts say that 3.42 is the best ratio.
Although those saying 3.42 are perfect are up in the 30" tire height.
My tires are only 26" tall.
So I took the gear ratio spreadsheet and did a side by side.
Based on the side by side comparison, I won't be any 'doggie'r' than 3.42 & 30" tires.
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