Tranny and Transfer case ???s
Where do you fill the transfer case with fluid? I have a NP208 on my Blazer and need to fill it. Also my tranny in my blazer(th350) will not shift out of first gear. Wondering if you guys can give me some insight on what to do. I am hoping that I dont have to get it rebuilt. I have a brand new filter and fluid in it. I was hoping I would get lucky and it would be fine but you know how that goes. I figure I will need to get it flushed and rebuilt. Hope you guys have some kind of good news for me.
1984 C10 SWB
Custom Frame
Blow Through Carb Single Turbo
Hope to be on the road by Summer 2018
1967 C10 CST LWB
327/PG Original
Running Driving Future Project