Originally Posted by oem4me
The Reese universal fit unit is pretty much a bolt on, but you DO have to assemble it to fit your particular frame width and maybe drill a couple holes for bolts. I'm not saying one doesn't exist that's totally ready to go needing nothing but a wrench, I just stopped looking when I found the adjustable Reese one at Pep Boys.
Well, I've got a '61 Suburban, and there's less available for those than '63-'66 Suburbans.
I'm trying to put together a list of parts that aren't available anywhere else, and then I'll see about making them. I've got no overhead, no employees, so I don't have to sell a million parts... just a few.
I WAS happy to see the universal kit... I definitely need to get something under the back of my Suburban--I'm going to need the ability to tow this year.