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Old 12-20-2012, 05:57 PM   #36
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Re: Parting 69 Chevy Motorhome

budnikguy...Its $12 to ship cluster for a total of $62. The side door is beat and I want to keep the doors complete right now. I will include the ignition with the doors.
mo...$55 total shipped for the alt brackets and harness. I see one ground wire that may not be factory.
70shortfleet...2nd on cluster
Puropedo...I'm keeping doors together, $100 for the nice bumper
yellowGT...$45 shipped to TX for the shroud. It has one small crack at screw, steering wheel not included with column, $1 for lighter socket.
bopper...2nd on column
John...keeping doors together
bollybib...$37 shipped for the patch if good
projectjimmie68...$11 shipped for tray
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