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Old 12-21-2012, 08:38 AM   #12
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Re: Been apart to long or bad memory?

Originally Posted by Stocker View Post
I can't recall.... but didn't the tube come up from the manifold that had the heat riser valve? I still have all the original tin, and I thought it came up from my pass. side, same side my heat riser was on before I removed it.

Edit: I know it goes to the snorkel, which in the pic above is to the driver's side. ... just thinking my snorkel may have been to the pass. side, but it's been way too many years ago for me to remember.
Thanks Stocker! This is way this ? came up to begin with! coz I just can't member! how many of you-in's have had this happen(and some a lot younger than myself)
Thanks guys for the insight. Mine goes on the drivers side, if I put it on the pass. side the exhaust pipe does not sit right.

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