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Old 12-23-2012, 09:53 AM   #1656
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Re: What Did You Do With Your Truck Today ?

I don't have pics of the actual construction but have a couple that can show how I did it. Not to insult the purists, but I think the stock bumper is seriously ugly...but it was a farm truck. I started with 2x3 .120 wall tubing and cut one long side off so it looked like a piece of channel. Then pie cut one end to get my 90 degree bend to cover the stake pocket then boxed/filled/ground as needed to complement the stake pocket. With it mocked in place, cut the inner side at the spot where the license plate pocket started. Then cut the top short side to a length of about 1/2 inch so the long side of the bumper would be perpenducular to the ground so it looks sort of "frenched" then made a cardboard template to match the curve of the roll pan and boxed that end. I actually tried to french the first roll pan, but that turned out to be a disaster....and another sale for Mar-K. Welded two studs on the inside for mounting. In the one pic you can see the heat marks for location of the studs. In the second, the holes in the roll pan for the studs and in the third the brackets welded to the frame for installation. It sounds complicated but it's not, just time consuming but I seriously like how it turned out now that they're chromed. A downside that someone might point out is they're not very functional but this time I chose form over function.
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