Thread: My latest toy
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Old 12-24-2012, 11:35 PM   #20
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Re: My latest toy

Thanks for the comments on my headliner install though as I state above I can not take credit for the idea. In my case the original headliner was long gone. I can understand why and recall back when these were used as ambulances doing CPR in the back of one while en-route to the hospital you learned quickly to use the roof bows as a back support or you would quickly poke through the thin fiberboard. Now that mine has been in for several weeks I am very pleased. The other day I drove around a bit and there were no squeaks or creaks and it can be cleaned easily.

As far as the lighting, I too went with LEDs since that way I can leave the lights on at shows with out draining the battery. I did install them in older housings. I also changed the front lamp to led by cutting the older broken housing and using the "clip" into the older housing. The LEDs draw so little current it is no problem running all of them off of the original circuit.

Over the past weeks I have been working on the driver partition and the rear cabinets. They are done, the last coat of Poly went on today. I hope to have them installed by the end of the week. I hope to have photos posted soon...

A Very Merry Christmas to everyone... Be safe...
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