Originally Posted by RatRod68
dude, that is awesome
Thanks man.
Originally Posted by Dieselwrencher
Awesome work on the gifts for your wife! That is real cool thinking on your part. I liked the lobster thrash story, I was waiting for you to say that the super claw almost got ya!  I hope you and your family have a Very Merry Christmas!
Oh yeah, nice work on the Blazer too. I'm really leaning towards Al's Liner for my truck. (If I ever get that far.) I've heard it has spraying issues, but most of that stuff does unless you have the high dollar applicating stuff it seems.
Sorry to disappoint you by not having lost a battle with the lobster.
I have mixed feelings on the Als Liner. I've had my share of problems getting it to spray evenly. The roller method works ok, but takes some time and patience. The main advantage for me was that you can color match it.
My brief Christmas update:
I got a good start with surprising her with the lobster. She loved it. She said she likes the claw meat better than the tails. This morning I woke up early, irritating bad habit of mine, and brought the pez shelf in from the garage. I had planned to set it up in the kitchen area then lead her to it after all the other present madness ended. But then thought it would be better to set it up with the kids stuff. One of our traditions has been that we hold back a special gift that gets put out Christmas eve as their "Santa Present". Usually unwrapped and placed by their stockings. My wife and I fill a stocking for each other, but have never done a "Santa Present". Until today that is. She was the last to come into the living room, I had the camera and got video. The look was classic. Mouth agape, and wide eyes. My oldest said she looked like she got the bike she wanted as a kid. She opened her giant box and couldn't stop looking at all the stuff I packed it with. My plan worked out 100%. She loved the clock and everything else. The kids were all happy, my mom was thrilled (we filled a stocking for her too, she said it was the first time she had one), and I got some cool stuff too.

None shall pass!
Merry Christmas everyone. Welding and grinding for me tomorrow.