Thread: Lost My 65
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Old 12-26-2012, 01:35 AM   #342
But Found Her 25yrs Later!
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Re: Lost My 65

I'm really not that disappointed.
Sure, a 327 would of been nice, but on the flipside, the truck did originally have a 283 when I bought it in 83/84, and I sold it with that same 283.
The ol fella said it had a 283 in it when he bought it, but when it blew, he had the 327 put in. The mechanic could of very well just rebuilt that 283 and put it back in and told him here's the bill for your freshly rebuilt 327.
Either way, I'm more disappointed for the ol fella who thought he was getting a 327.

Btw. Another option isn't that he knew it was a 283, and just told me it was a 327. He wasn't that kind of guy.
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I lost my 65 - Found it 25 years later:

66 C20 Service Truck:
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