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Old 12-26-2012, 09:35 AM   #1
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Location: Ravenel SC
Posts: 317
Anybody have pictures of a dual air intake on a 67-72 C10?

Right now I have the open air filter set up and I know having cooler air provides better performance. Where to cut through the front wall is the question, its pretty limited even on my 69, between the battery and radiator on the one side and on the driver's side there is more room, between headlight and radiator.
I'm thinking I need to put something over the opening to keep things from flying into the duct and up into the air filter area. This is my occasional daily driver.
Any advice would be appreciated!
Many toys, not enough time to play!

My youngest son and I picked up a 69 Chevy C-10 on 1/7/22, this is my second 69, it was 10 years ago that I had my other one. So I’m back!!!
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