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Old 10-27-2003, 10:15 PM   #5
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Join Date: Jun 2001
Location: Houston, TX
Posts: 126
If you have a local 4 Wheel Parts Wholesaler near you, you can get them to install their own brand of gears and they warrantee it for life, no questions asked. Plus they'll install the powertrax locker too.

Your axles are corporate 10 bolts, front and rear. The front is OK, the rear is whimpy but hey if go the 4 WPW route htey will rebuild it all for free if it blows.

The no-slip is an updated version of the Lock Rite. I have a lock rite in my Dana 60. In terms of how it works, it is veyr much like a detroit locker (which is a good thing.) However, it just replaces the spider gear assembly versus a carrier change, so it saves money (and compromises on strength somewhat.)

My advice: get 4.10s. If you get a no-slip or a lock rite, get it for the FRONT. If you break an axle, more than likely it will be the rear so at least you still have a locked front to drive you home. Also, you will have thrown less money at the rear axle which will need to be thrown away and replaced witha 14 bolt.

For more info, check

Take it easy,
-- Mike
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