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Old 10-27-2003, 11:34 PM   #3
crackajacka's Avatar
Join Date: Sep 2001
Location: Tuttle, OK
Posts: 620
well g all my crap is hooked up wrong then cause i cant access it without taking out the air duct that runs under the dash and for me to remove mine i have to the bezel off( to get the bezel off i have to loosen the dash pad) then unhook my radio cause it wont clear enough to go far enough to unscrew the screws on the vent.... but anyways i dont know what was loose but i reseated 2 relays and the flasher(to the right of the brake pedal i guess thats my 4high and hazard light thing) and it suddenly worked so i dont know. if i had the money and the time i would tear the dash completely apart and custom run everything with a new wireing harness cause thats what it needs
Ive been traveling for some time, with my fishin pole and my bottle of shyne.
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