Re: opinions on keyless entry, remote start, alarm
I stay away from most electronics on my vehicles (except the simple stuff), so I had a local shop install a viper lock/alarm in my 83 C20 when I got it in 2002. I have had 2 problems.
First, whenever I have had various mechanics working on a pesky no start problem over the years, they have always disabled parts of the lock/alarm system. So, I am left with the lock only feature, which is all I really wanted.
The key fob style is the old large square type which is a bit large to put in your pocket, and the plastic hole for the key chain had broken, so I have had to rig up a fix. This would likely not be a problem for new units, and you can always get a replacement - but this kind of cheap manufacturing just irks me in my old age.
Of course, you will/should always carry an extra manual door lock key for when you get locked out (or use a hide-a-key to store one somewhere on your truck). This happens when you leave the truck running to check under the hood and close the door behind you to keep the air conditioning inside the cab, and then realize that the door locks automatically lock when the ignition starts the truck. Bad enough to be locked out, but burning gas while you are locked out is double bad.
I did have trouble with the lock feature not unlocking the doors, but after installing new actuators I found out that the lock rods were rusty/dirty and the actuators could not overcome the resistance.
I would call the local car alarm shops and find out what they are installing. Likely they will know the best brands to buy. Also, stick with a top installer and pay the extra $$$. There are a lot of kids out there with more ink and piercings than skill who are installing these things. (No offense meant to you capable youngins.)