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Old 12-30-2012, 01:09 AM   #1676
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Re: What Did You Do With Your Truck Today ?

I started at 9 am pulling the granny low 4 speed, both cross members etc and installing a 700r4. I had to cut the fire wall at the bell housing for it to clear. Mounted a linear cooler, hooked up a lokar tv cable set up, re routed a brake line crossover, moved the rear axle back an inch so the 92 Sblazer 4door drive shaft would fit with a conversion joint to 1310 and welded in a CPP crossmember.

Headed back at it in the morning to install the TCI 4th gear lock up kit, fill it with fluid, toss the driveshaft in, mount the lokar shifter to the installed bracket and take it for a spin!
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