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Old 12-30-2012, 06:05 PM   #3
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Re: Well, Ol' Green let me down:(

Originally Posted by pritch View Post
It's been fairly cold for the last week or so and I haven't tried to start my '68 until today. Denied! She didn't even want to talk about it. She started right up with a jump, though but still, my battery is only 2 years old and the temps have been getting up out of the teens during the day. I'll have to see if it gets to be a pattern. Better still, maybe it will warm up now that the days are getting longer

I had to get out my spare key, so I could have my jump running and start the '68 without having to take my key ring apart. My spare key is funny:

That's the way that I got it. It came with that one and a hardly used original key. I use the original, but clearly this is the one that was used for much of this trucks life. I can't figure out why someone would bolt a key to another key when it ain't broken. Maybe he wanted to know which one it was in the dark.

You can tell by the wear on the nut and screw that it's been like that for a loooong time!

My dad did something very similar to his truck key... He said he did it to keep the ring of keys from wearing out his dash.
We lived on a dirt road growing up & the ring of keys would swing back and forth rubbing the dash....

68-SWB, 327, hooker headers, spintec mufflers, disk brake 3.5/5 drop, buddy buckets, 200-4R, 2200 stall, 3.73 12bolt Eaton Posi,

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