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Old 12-31-2012, 12:56 AM   #5679
Maintenance Man
Join Date: May 2002
Location: Phoenix, AZ US
Posts: 213
Re: What did you do to your truck today!

Originally Posted by fatgump View Post
Washed the truck today
So you're why it rained this evening!

Installed new rear coils (5" drop) along with 2degree pinion shims, shock relocators, drop shocks and my new to me 15x10 powdercoated rallies. Get to readjust the coil on the left trailing arm because it isn't sitting right, causing the left side of the frame to sit about an inch higher than the right.

Found out that my new TransDapt 12 bolt finned aluminum extra capacity differential cover won't work the stock location panhard rod. Even when using the fancy dancy adjustable one from CPP.

Went to the hardware store more for more effing bolts.

Also finished installing my NoLimit rack and pinion.

Last edited by JVictor75; 12-31-2012 at 01:18 AM.
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