Re: Installing mid 90's Chevy Seat in 60-66 Trucks
another idea if you make a frame is run ur carpet over the frame so its not seen if you need to make the carpet roll up to the frame ive used house pad before you can get a small roll at home depot cheap then no one would ever know u made a frame all u would see is the 8 nuts from the cracket holding ur seat down wich you shouldnt see anyways lol and dont forget to tac weld the bolts in the frame so you dont have to hold the bolt with a wrench as far as the wiring I cant seem to find a diagram on it what wires and colors u got to work with im thinking all u should have is a ground and a hot wich the ground can go to the frame of the seat on both and u could run the hot wires into the fuse box they dont need to be seperate to my knowledge if i am wrong my bad but in theary all you should need is a big enough fuse for it 10 amp should be plenty