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Old 12-31-2012, 11:06 AM   #6711
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Location: Lawton Oklahoma
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Re: What did you do to your truck today?

Yes, it goes under the bumper, and actually falls behind the fenders as well (by removing the 3inches from each side) I have it "dry mounted" currently. I took a few pics...
It is still really crapy outside, (snowing and now raining) and Sally (wife's name for my 65') doesn't go out in that kind of weather, so I had to take them in the garage.. I want to get her outside and get a good front shot with them powered up, for you guys!

Kind of this shot with out, then get one with..

Right now the pics are still on my Ipod, I'll have to add them to my photobucket and attach them here when I get near some wi-fi! Sorry... I will post later this afternoon so you guys can see the Finished product..

Oh and thanks for the instrest!
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