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Old 12-31-2012, 01:14 PM   #15
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Re: Installing mid 90's Chevy Seat in 60-66 Trucks

I used 2006 40/20/40 set-up. I sat the center console in nad then sat the seats in. (they are powered seats). THe steering column and wheel was installed already. So I got a feel for the position, then I had my wife come and sit on the passenger side to see what she thought. My Tank is still in the cab. The other post is correct, if you are a tall person you might want to move your tank. I am only 5'-3" so I am good with it, nad my wife is 5'-6" she also said she was good with it. So I pull ed the seats out and drill the mounting holes for the center console, and then drop the seats back in, and sat in them once moree. They left impressions in my sound deadener, so it was easy to see the hole positions when I again removed the seats.
I drilled those holes and started bolting everthing down. takes about 2hours.
Note, with the seats slightly leaned back the head rests will touch the back glass in a BBW.
People who make excuses didn't want to do it in the first place!
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