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Old 01-01-2013, 04:14 AM   #15
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Re: Buying a Air Compressor

I went through the same thing and I encourage you to do it right the first time. (I didn't)

First of all, do NOT get one with the 3400 RPM motor. They are noisy and generally indicate a lower quality compressor. They are only rated 5hp because it's peak horsepower.

I was able to use a D/A sander with the cheaper compressor, but it ran continually and eventually threw a rod.

No question get the 2 stage and get the cast iron. Get a quality brand like Quincy or Champion. They have made basically the same pump for years and you can get parts, even rebuild them if necessary. You won't see that with the compressors you buy at Sam's.

Ingersol Rand used to be a good compressor, but everything I have heard says to stay away now, but YMMV.

What I eventually did was buy a used Champion off ebay. It was a few years old but ran and pumped right up. Like I said, worse come to worse, it can be rebuilt someday. It also has an automatic drain.

I bought it for 600.00 and can guarantee you can find the same deal today. I'm actually selling mine on ebay, but I didn't write this as a sales pitch. Besides, I'm a ways away from you.

No offense to anyone with a different experience.
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