About to take the plunge
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01-01-2013, 09:43 AM
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Join Date: Sep 2009
Location: D'ville Georgia
Posts: 470
Re: About to take the plunge
I'm not going to worry about the front right yet. It is going in this weekend for headers and either a rebuild of the quadrajet or replacement. We'll see if it is worth the rebuild or not. They guy that does work for me does wonders with that carb, gets them right. After that it is wheels and tires. The wheels on it now are the 15x10 chrome corvette rally with the disc brake caps. The tires are in really good shape but I want a more modern and bigger look. I like the coys wheels and I found a set of ridler wheels in a 18 in. I think we are going to drop it a couple more inches so I dont want to get too big of a wheel. I want the truck to still be functional as a truck even though it is not a daily driver. It has a aftermarket seat set up in it which is cool but I like the looks of the bench seat. It has the center armrest that folds up so someone can sit in the middle and that will fold up to reveal storage. Again, nice but not my cup of tea. It is also going to need a different steering wheel. It looks like a gocart wheel. The woodgrain has to go too. He gave me two bezels for the dash. He said he thinks one will work and the other does not for some reason. Silvereagle's truck has the rear bumper I want.
Last edited by Damon23; 01-01-2013 at
09:49 AM
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