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Old 01-03-2013, 10:23 AM   #73
78K & 79C Jimmys
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Re: New vs. building old one

Originally Posted by Telecasterjoey View Post
Bringing back and old thread here but..........

I've been thinking bout giving up on my daily driver 97 gmc 1500. something's always breaking on it, there are close to 400000 kms on it and the body is past what I would like to repair lol. So I've found myself driving past the dealership seriously considering financing a 2012 or 2013 silverado or sierra 1500 wt for $25000, but every time I crunch the numbers, Monthly payment (never had one before), Insurance increase, probably not a noticeable mileage increase, and regular maintenance I think If only I had that 25,000$ or even half of it I could build my 86 sierra to be better than new, All new engine, driveline, new paint ect. Or even find a straight frame and clean cab with a title and buy all new parts I could probably do it for less than a new one......

My question has anyone done it? taken a loan or been fortunate enough to have the funds and order everything new?

I know there are a lot of nice cheap dd build threads on here, Keith seymour's comes to mind, But has anyone bought everything brand new? like went nuts and ordered all new interior, crate engine, brand new or fresh rebuilt trans, rebuilt rear end, new stock painless wiring harness, all NOS or Aftermarket sheet metal? new dash pad new carpet new rad new.... well you get it, NEW EVERYTHING!

Can it be done for less than 15,000$ Assuming you'd do all the work yourself minus paint maybe? obviously using comparable to stock parts like the goodwrench 350 from jegs for 1400$

I'm aware you could spend 100,000$ if you felt like it i'm just wondering if you could order all new parts and reassemble them for less than the cost of a new truck?

yezzi's bluej thread also inspires me to do this, one clean build and exactly what I picture this brand new 86 truck to look like (well at least the chassis and driveline:
I'd get rust free "southern" truck
you would be further ahead,prob not everything would need replacement
1978 GMCJimmy4X4-350/203
1979 GMCJimmy4X2-305/350
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