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Old 01-03-2013, 04:02 PM   #1
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Regardless of what science dictates...

My new brake drums with new shoes and new wheel cylinders stop AWESOME on ice and snow. We recently had some snow pack on our back street so I decided to find the limits. I slammed on the brakes at various speeds. I had already resigned myself to assuming that my C10 2 wheel drive would not do well on such surfaces. BUT IT STOPS FAST. I was amazed at the control and short distances. I also have new all season, standard sized tires on her but I was still blown away. In this specific set of conditions I cannot see disk brakes doing any better. Anti-lock yes but not disc. On dry pavement I think discs are much better but maybe it is precisely because of the slightly slower rate at which brake shoes operate or the fact that there is more material working together, I don't know but whatever it is my brake shoes are rockin on snow and ice. No rearend swapping or anything. Just thought I would share because in dry conditions I drive my truck like I do a motorcycle with extra space and I was very surprised to see her perform like this.
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