I spent the weekend going through my parts and organizing my "projects" . Most items will require clean up or restore, some nice drivers, and some just may be better than nothing.........Prices are a target. I would really like to "PACKAGE" price these as I really don't want 100 trips to the PO. Willing to trade for 67-68 items.
All prices are with out shipping unless noted otherwise. PayPal or USPS MO. All parts are also for sale locally. First "Ill take it" gets it. And lets keep all ? in the post....
Here we go..........................
Trim LOT 1 - $250 shipped. (Does not include the long bed uppers unless you want to pay the extra for OVERSIZE shipping)
2 Drivers side fender ft
5 Drivers side fender rear
2 Drivers side door
2 Drivers side cab
1 Drivers side longbed ft
1 Drivers side longbed rear
1 Pass side fender ft
4 Pass side fender rear
2 Pass side door
1 Pass side cab
3 Pass side longbed ft
0 Pass side longbed rear
69-72 UPPER -
8 Pass-Drivers side fender ft
2 Drivers side door
4 Drivers side cab
4 Pass-Drivers side longbed ( 1 has 1 hole drilled, 1 has 2)
2 Pass side door (1 has 1 hole drilled)
5 Pass side cab
Trim LOT 2 - $50 shippedSOLD
67-68 Lower -
2 Drivers door
2 Pass door
1 Drivers cab
1 Pass cab
1 Drivers longbed rear
1 Drivers longbed ft
1 Pass longbed ft
67-72 Rear Window -
2 Pass side
1 Drivers side
71-72 Front window - thin
1 Pass side
1 Driver side
1 Upper
2 Corners
67-70 Front window - thick
1 Pass side
1 Driver side
1 Upper
2 Corners
67-72 Divider trim
1 Pass side
2Pr. Interior Door upper trim - 1 nice pr to clean-polish
$20SOLD, 1 pr blast and paint
TH350 shift rods and cab side brackets -
$20 set
3 pr 3 Core Radiator hold downs - uppers with rubbers
$10 pr1 pr sold, 2 ava.
4 - 73+ smooth chevy hub caps - set
1 pr V8 motor stands
1 I6 Stand
69-70 Grill support
69-72 Hood latch - lower
1 pr core support to fender mount
Upper and Lower rear shock mounts
$40 set
Step side lights 3 brake and 3 reverse with brackets
$40 LOTsold
Headliner trim - 2 RH
$10 for both
72 Black armrests 1pr
72 Green armrest 1 pass side
Black Visors pair - NICE with 2 extra visors
68-72 Exterior door handles - LOT
Ventshade - single drivers side w clips
Tailgate hinges 1 pr.
Windshield wiper Parts LOT
Door window run/channel - rear - 2pr
67-71 Window Regulator 1 pr
67-72 Door Latch 2 Drivers and 1 pass side
67-71 Door latch and rod - 1 pr
Interior door rods
$10 allSOLD
Battery trays -
Lower steering shafts - 1 67-72
SOLD and 2 73-87
Auto pedal box. Missing stud, manual and power brake rods included
Interior Heater Box
$15 ea or $30 set
Hood Hinges - 4 Pass side
$20 ea
Working on Pics now................BRB