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Old 01-04-2013, 12:33 AM   #75
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Re: New vs. building old one

For those of you that think you are home free for repairs on a new truck you need to wake up. I make my living as a service writer and I see stuff out of warranty daily on newer cars and trucks. Small example I deal with
- too many modules trying to do thier thing at the same time causing a logic lock and shut down of one or more systems ( $200 repair fixed 2 in the last week)
- lifter / cam failure on AFM trucks ($4000.00 repair I have had 3 in last month)
- failed cam acctuators and solinoids ( can't count all these I fix)
- failed door lock acctuators (these either)
- bad battery cables causing all kinds of electrical grimlins (200-400.00 I do 2-3 a week)
- electric power steering (I worked for Lexus and they almost always failed before 75K and now GM is putting in about anything coming out including the 2014 trucks)
- intake gaskets (3 this week already)
- electric thermostats failing constantly
- air bag light because your kids stuck his foot under the back of the front seat and disturbed the connector ( a least once a week)
I could go on and on.
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