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Old 01-04-2013, 01:21 AM   #76
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Re: New vs. building old one

The one thing I will say is that if you go old you have to be an enthusiast about the truck your going to get. They often can be quite reliable from the start even if they don't look so, but they will need attention. So if your not going to do much of it yourself they can get expensive quickly.

I just got my 74 C20 for $900 because it ran rough, and I played the game. Turned out the guy before did not tune the carb anywhere near right, and a couple of hours of playing it is as right as its going to be till rebuild time. Yes its a rough as one could imagine, but runs like a top with 4 new tires. Also compared to fixed up ones for $4000 or more mine is a blank canvas, and it will be my way when done. Something I can never get off the dealer floor.

In my area of Southern California if time is on your side you can find good runners for less then $1500. To completed restored trucks for $5000 or more.
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