welcome mr. goodwrench. sorry to hear about the accident. when I first read it, I thought you meant you sold it!! (i.e. "flipped"). Anyhoo - I get it now.
there is a parts board and you'll find the members very helpful here. here's a link to the parts section -you can post a WTB (want to buy) ad there. You do need to be a paying member to buy/sell though, so keep that in mind.
Also, consider this - once you swap a cab, you'll need to title the new cab and its associated VIN in your state. And ya gotta ask yourself - at that point is it still even the family jewel it once was if it's newly titled, non-original VIN, been rolled, etc etc. Might be time to punt and hunt for a new project to uphold the family legacy? Just a thought - of course understand if it's something you want to pull out all the stops to repair.
Again, welcome, and good luck in your search.