Originally Posted by Pro Performance
The Porterbuilt arms do have an integrated lowering block, for lack of a better term, built into them. You can see here the Porterbuilt vs. stock. They do work with coil springs, but not a necessity to lower the truck. It does have it's advantages of the built in drop, better looks, etc..... it is all personal preference.
Makes perfect sense now, Thank you.
It would be purely aesthetics for my truck, and hopefully weight savings.
Originally Posted by Pro Performance
As for the adjustable trac bar, the longer bar will have less axle movement through the suspension cycle. It will also center of the axle when lowered down vs. a stock non-adjustable trac bar. As for adjustability on the trailing arm side where it connects, that is so you can adjust more precisely depending on how low your truck is. I don't see it as completely necessary for those adjustments, since the drop bracket on the frame side will make that bar almost parallel the ground and have you very well set for a lowered or bagged truck.
That is great information to have as well!
Maybe I wasn't clear on my exact question, I was talking about the Tubular Trailing Arm Crossmember (PB-63-72-TACM). It has 4 vertical holes for adjustment where each trailing arm bolts up to, I'm trying to understand their purpose. Just to better dial in the centering of the rear wheels?