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Old 01-06-2013, 01:45 PM   #1
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ps gear box rebuild?'s

I have made my desicion too go with ps. I have a box that was in the kids truck it worked fine but it started leaking pretty bad out the input.(i know i couldve just replaced that seal but since i have the whole kit why not)
my kid bought a kit too rebuild the box but chickened out and just got another box from the yard. so here i am with two manual boxes and a leaky power box with the kit too choose from.
I tore the leaky box down last nite and started cleaning and blasting the case.I figured i should have it ready to be assmebled tonite(maybe tommarow nite if i dont stay on track) anybody have any tips or secrets with assmembly?
i watched a bunch of online vids and have a manual to refer too but outa curiousity wandering if anybody has any tips this is my first box i'm opening up

oh and one last thing how many balls are in the boxI dropped some but pretty sure i have them all but wanna be sure

and how many balls are there?

thanks in advance on any info i recieve
81 camaro 355 4/spd 342 posi my first love.
67 swb step 454/4spd ott 373 posi 4/7 drop.
2000 s10 zr2 little blue truck that never gets stuck.
'74 heald super bronc vt8. tecumseh powered moon rover.
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