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Old 01-06-2013, 03:38 PM   #264
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Re: 1958 LS2 with C4 front and rear

Originally Posted by Lolyin58 View Post
Randy........ anything to report?? How was the drive around the block? You got the wipers sorted out yet?

Well it drives like a dream...
There are a few things that i can honestly say i am going to adjust ,finish or change.......but it's so nice having a truck that drives i really don't want to take anything

- Adjust the shift point's shifting at too high of RPM right now and it's a bit squirrley like that.

-Still need to fix the wipers and i have been putting that off because I think i am going to have to pull out the seat and the console and some of the AC to get into it. So thats going to be when i have the boys come over one sunday when it's raining.

-Still need to charge the AC

- If i have a complaint about the truck it's that with the upgrades the short wheelbase makes it difficult to control it and keep it on the

Now for the reasons why i haven't been all over this lately.....Most of you know i have a few other trucks/projects . Well I kinda ripped one apart the otherday and have been working on it like a madman....I haven't started a thread for it just yet. If i get a chance today I might get on bad.
1966 Pro street build[
1958 LS 2 build
1966 SBFS low and go
1966 SBFS street HULK

Poject Low and go gets a 6.2 ltr LSA supercharged with 6 speed automatic

Aluinum Radiator Dealer pm for details
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