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Old 01-06-2013, 04:21 PM   #1
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Join Date: Jul 2012
Location: Salt Lake City
Posts: 59
what length fuel line do i need?

How's it going guys? Well its time to change the fuel filter on my stock carb, the little canister one that sits in the front of the carb, but anywho I went to pull the fuel line off to get to the filter and noticed some wear, so I figure might as well put on a new fuel line while I'm at it. Went to napa and apparently they don't carry a pre bent line with the fittings, they sell it by the foot. So I am wondering how long of a piece I shbould buy, can't pull it off and measure as the truck is my dd, any help would be much appreciated, need to change this fuel filter asap but I don't want to risk cracking the fuelline in the process. Thanks
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