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Old 10-29-2003, 12:25 PM   #1
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Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 1,284
Year end clearance sale (Registered board members only)

I have a lot of overstock weather-striping I need to roll out, so I figured I would give the board members the first shot at them before anybody else. I will also be adding these on the "board Mebers" page on my website when I get a chance.

All Items are limited to 2 per customer

door to cab seals (truck) - 19.50

belt lines kits (window scrapers or AKA "the felt pieces on the inside and out side of the door glass") truck, blazer and suburban front doors, set of 4 - 21.95

67 - 72 front windshield seal (all types) - 29.75

67 - 72 rear window (all types) - 26.85

upper door chanel seals (not blazer) - 18.00 a pair

division post seal (between vent window and door glass) - 8.25 each

Blazer door to cab seals - 45.00 a pair

Blazer door glass channel runs - 30.00 a pair

I will probably be adding more by the end of the day


Last edited by rickspickuppart; 10-29-2003 at 12:34 PM.
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