Originally Posted by sdailey
....BTW: 68gmsee, I bought this cab and doors for $200 5 miles from my house. 
Unbelivable! I've been looking and waiting for about a year. All the ones I've seen are either rusted out or cut up. May have to bite the bullet and buy a whole truck and sell what I don't use.
Re. reason for bowed cab: We're just throwing out possibilities. I removed the rear windshield on my 69 last year by cutting around the rubber seal. A previous glass installer had used silicone sealer some 15 years ago so it was somewhat stuck but I did removed it without doing any damage to the cab.
As I mentioned before, the biggest concern would be the new glass. I know the seal is somewhat forgiving but you may also get some wind noise with all the windows closed if there was a slight gap.