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Old 01-09-2013, 03:35 PM   #53
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Join Date: Oct 2012
Location: Midlothian, Texas
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Re: Big back window conversion part 1

I spent 21 in the Marines, and retired in '99. During the early 90's, I built my 57 GMC. Worked on it for 2 years straight!.. Every day off and all my leave for those 2 years were spent on the truck. I read during that time, that many people start these projects, and then lay off for a few weeks, which turned into months, then years, with them never finishing them. That scared me, so I wouldn't allow myself to take any time off. Family time sucked to say the But I finished it, and been driving it ever since..

You are doing a first rate job! I'm like you, I would rather take the long way to get it done. You learn so much about how they were built back then, and how your's in particular has gone together. The pride that knowing you did all the work yourself can't be matched. When you are done with your truck, you are going to get loads of folks telling you "you have a nice truck", or "I like your truck". That is when all your efforts are going to seem worth it. Thats when you feel like you are at the top of the food chain.

Good luck and I'll be watching

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