Re: Project Immoral Appearance
so went out tonight with the goal of building the middle section of the dash, took some time to tack weld some reinforcements in, starting making the upper middle dash section, didn't like it how I was doing it, so cut it apart to do it a different way, got that tack welded in, and then took a bunch more measurements to realize that when I tacked the reinforcements in, I accidentally bumped one side of the dash up and over, ended up cutting a bunch of the tack welds, and re-tacking it back into place, what a surprise, it looks a lot more square now lol, gotta work on more patches tomorrow, as well as stretching the glove box door. Need to buy some steel conduit to start shaping how the out sections will meet the cab
"To speak of the art of one loom, the art of one river, the art of one tractor, or the art of one automobile is not preposterous; it is to point to the size and importance of the gap between general knowledge and situated knowledge" - James C. Scott
1969 C10 -
1930 Tudor Sedan